Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Eastern Mediterranean University Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) (PhD, 1999)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) (Master, 1996)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Chemistry and Computer Applications (Undergraduate, 1992)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Kebede, Oromia Girma, et al. "Green Synthesis and Characterization of Limonium sinuatum Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) for Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Applications." Analytical Letters (2024): 1-13. - 2024
- Abourajab, Arwa, et al. "A new water− soluble naphthalene diimide as a highly selective fluorescent chemosensor for Cu (II) ion: Synthesis, DFT calculations, photophysical and electrochemical properties." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 454 (2024): 115719. - 2024
- Tuğaç, Himmet Mert, Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "Removal of atrazine from aqueous solutions using activated carbon from novel hackberry seeds: kinetics and equilibrium studies." Chemical Engineering Communications 211.1 (2024): 102-113. - 2023
- Dramé, Saly Ina, Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "Environmental and ecological risk assessment of municipal sewage sludge management using a sustainable solar drying system." Water Science & Technology 88.1 (2023): 151-168. - 2023
- Sawafta, Nedal, Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "Adsorptive properties of modified Thevetia peruviana shells (TPS) for removal of Methoxychlor from aqueous solutions." Chemical Engineering Communications 211.6 (2024): 831-843. - 2023
- Oba, Oluwasuyi Ayobami, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "Preparation of mesoporous activated carbon from novel African walnut shells (AWS) for deltamethrin removal: kinetics and equilibrium studies." Applied Water Science 12.7 (2022): 149. - 2022
- Williams, Ndifreke Etuk, Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "Modification, production, and methods of KOH‐activated carbon." ChemBioEng Reviews 9.2 (2022): 164-189. - 2022
- KOH Ratio Effect, Characterization, and Kinetic Modeling of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Medium Using Activated Carbon from Thevetia Peruviana Shell - 2020
- Williams, Ndifreke Etuk, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "KOH ratio effect, characterization, and kinetic modeling of methylene blue from aqueous medium using activated carbon from Thevetia peruviana shell." Chemical Engineering Communications 208.8 (2021): 1189-1208. - 2020
- Essabri, Abduelbaset MA, Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik, and Ndifreke Etuk Williams. "Bioaugmentation and biostimulation of total petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in a petroleum-contaminated soil with fungi isolated from olive oil effluent." Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230 (2019): 1-16. - 2019
- Ndifreke, Williams Etuk, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "KOH modified Thevetia peruviana shell activated carbon for sorption of dimethoate from aqueous solution." Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 54.1 (2019): 1-13. - 2018
- Ozdal, Devrim, et al. "Self-assembly, optical, thermal and electrochemical properties of bis-N-benzyl perylene diimide dye." Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 16 (2017): 262-270. - 2017
- Pasaogullari, Nur, Huriye Icil, and Martin Demuth. "Symmetrical and unsymmetrical perylene diimides: Their synthesis, photophysical and electrochemical properties." Dyes and pigments 69.3 (2006): 118-127. - 2005
- Icil, Huriye, Duygu Uzun, and Nur Paşaoğullari. "Synthesis of a New Thermal and Photostable Reference Probe for Qf Measurement in Aqua: Water Soluble N, N′-bis-(2-Hydroxy-4-benzoic Acid)-3, 4, 9, 10-perylenebis (dicarboximide)." Spectroscopy letters 31.3 (1998): 667-671. - 1998
Articles published in National journals
- Günay, Gürkan, et al. "Enhancing Soil Stabilization with Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes." International Workshop on Advances in Laboratory Testing of Liquefiable Soils and Nature Inspired Solutions for the Built Environment Conference. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. - 2024
- Mohammed, Jamaluddeen, Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "PRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING, GC-MS, FTIR ANALYSIS OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACTS OF ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS, CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L AND MENTHA SPICATA." Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 51.1 (2023): 93-102. - 2022
- Abubakar, Jamaluddeen, Great Edo, and Nur Pasaoglulari Aydinlik. "Phytochemical and GCMS analysis on the ethanol extract of Foeniculum Vulgare and Petroselinum crispum leaves." International Journal of Chemistry and Technology 5.2 (2021): 117-124. - 2022
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Aydinlik, Nur Pasaoglulari, et al. "Self-assembly, optical, thermal and electrochemical properties of N, N'-bis-(benzyl)-3, 4, 9, 10-perylenebis (dicarboximide) Top of Form." 8 th ICNTC BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (2022): 67. - 2022
- Aydinlik, Nur Pasaoglulari, et al. "The Synthesis, PHOTOPHYSICAL AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES of Perylene monoımıde and Asymmetric PERYLENE Diimide." 8 th ICNTC BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (2022): 68. - 2022
- Williams Ndifreke Etuk and Nur Paşaoğlulari Aydinlik, Chemical Ratio Effect on Surface Area and Surface Morphology of Activated Carbon, International Conference on Perspectives for Future Education,Kyrenia-North-Cyprus, May 2019. - 2019
- Abduelbaset M. A. Essabri and Nur Paşaoğlulari Aydinlik, TREATMENT OF OIL POLLUTED SOIL BY USING SOME FUNGI PRODUCED FROM OLIVE WASTE, International Conference on Perspectives for Future Education, 02-04.5.2018, Kyrenia-North-Cyprus. - 2018
- Williams Ndifreke Etuk and Nur Paşaoğlulari Aydinlik, CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ACTIVATED CARBON FOR REMOVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL WATER CONTAMINANTS, International Conference on Perspectives for Future Education, 02-04.5.2018, Kyrenia-North-Cyprus. - 2018
- Oba Oluwasuyi Ayobami and Nur Paşaoğlulari Aydinlik, Environmental Analysis of Contaminated Soils, International Conference on Perspectives for Future Education, 02-04.5.2018, Kyrenia-North-Cyprus. - 2018
- D. Ozdal, N. P. Aydinlik, J. B. Bodapati, H. Icil " A New Intelligent Material For Photovoltaic Applications: Synthesis, Photophysical And Electrochemical Properties " 20th IPS, Berlin-Germany, August 2014. - 2014
- D. Ozdal, N. P. Aydinlik, J. B. Bodapati, H. Icil " Synthesis And Characterization Of Novel Perylene Based Dyes For Dye Synthesized Solar Cells " 20th IPS, Berlin-Germany, August 2014. - 2014
- N.Pasaogullari, H. Icil 'N,N'-bis(phenyl-4-sulfonic acid)-1,4,5,8-napthalenediimide and N,N'-bis(phenyl-4-sulfonic acid)-3,4,9,10-perylenebis(dicarboximide): High Solubility in Water' XXI. International Conference on Photochemistry, Nara-Japan 2003. - 2003
- N.Paşaoğulları, H.İcil and M.Demuth, 'Symmetrically and Non symmetrically Substituted Perylene Diimides', XX. International Conference on Photochemistry, Moscow-Russia, July 2001. - 2001
- H.İcil, N.Paşaoğulları, D.Uzun " Synthesis and Properties of Symmetrical and Non-symmetrical Perylene Diimides" The Fourth International Symposium on Functional Dyes, Science and Technology of Functional p-Electron Systems, Osaka-Japan, June 1999. - 1999
- H.İcil, D. Uzun and N.Paşaoğulları "Synthesis of a New Thermal and Photostable Reference Probe for Qf Measurement: Water Soluble N,N`-Bis-(2-Hydroxy-4- Benzoic Acid)-3,4,9,10-Perylenebis(dicarboximide)" 17th IUPAC Symposium, Barcelona-Spain, July 1998. - 1998
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Kıdak R, Ataçağ Erkurt H, Paşaoğulları Aydınlık N, Doğan Ş, Özdal D, 'KKTC'de Çöp Sizinti Sularinin Ozonlama Yöntemiyle Arıtma Çalişmalari' UKAY 2011. Uluslararsı Kıbrıs Üni.-KAKAD, 7-10 Eylül 2011. UKAY 2011 Bildiri kitabı 90-96. - 2011
- Ataçağ Erkurt H, Erkurt EA, Paşaoğulları Aydınlık N, Kıdak R, Akanser A, Doğan Ş, 'Dikmen Çöp Sızıntı Suyunun Karakterizasyonu ve Fenton Yöntemiyle Arıtılması' UKAY 2011. Uluslararsı Kıbrıs Üni.-KAKAD, 7-10 Eylül 2011. UKAY 2011 Bildiri kitabı 97-102. - 2011
- Paşaoğluları Aydınlık N, Kıdak R, Ataçağ Erkurt H, Özdal D, Doğan Ş, 'GÜNEŞ ENERJİSİYLE ATIKSU ARITMA ÇAMURLARININ AÇIK YATAKLARDA KURUTULMASI' UKAY 2011. Uluslararsı Kıbrıs Üni.-KAKAD, 7-10 Eylül 2011. UKAY 2011 Bildiri kitabı 136-141. - 2011
- Nur Paşaoğluları Aydınlık ve H.İcil 'Synthesis of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Perylene Diimides for Photonic Applications' XXII. National Chemistry Congress, Mağusa-K.K.T.C, October 2008. - 2008
- Nur Paşaoğluları ve H.İcil 'Novel Fluoresent Molekül Sentezi Ve Bu Moleküle Dayalı Metal Kompleks Oluşumunun Araştırılması' XX. National Chemistry Congress, Kayseri-Turkey, September 2006. - 2006
- Nur Paşaoğulları and H.İcil ' Poli (Perilen Karboksiimid) Sentezi', XIX. National Chemistry Congress, Kuşadası-Turkey, October 2005. - 2005
- Nur Paşaoğulları and H.İcil ' N,N `-bis - (fenil-sulfonik asit) - 1,4,5,8 -naftilindiimid ve N, N `- bis - fenil-4-sulfonik asit) - 3,4,9,10 -perilen(dikarboksimid) sentezi ve güneş pilleri uygulamaları', XVIII. National Chemistry Congress, Kars ' Turkey, July 2004. - 2004
- N.Paşaoğulları and H.İcil ' Antisimetrik Perilen Diimid sentezi ', XV.National Chemistry Congress, Istanbul-Turkey, September 2001. - 2001
- H.İcil, M.Demuth, N.Paşaoğulları and E.Arslan ' Simetrik ve Antisimetrik Perilen Diimid sentezi ve Elektron Akseptör Özelliklerinin Araştırılması ', XV.National Chemistry Congress, Istanbul-Turkey, September 2001. - 2001
Other Publications
- N.Paşaoğluları Aydınlık ; Gıdalardaki Katkı Maddeleri, Sağlık Masanıza Geliyor, 3 Mart 2011 - 2011
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- Himmet Mert Tugac, (2022), ‘Removal of Atrazine from Water By Using Hackberry’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2022
- Nedal Sawafta, (2022), ‘Removal of Methoxychlor from Water By Using Thevetia Peruviana Shell (TPS)’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2022
- Gürkan Günay, (2022), ‘Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) for Soil Stabilization’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Çevre Mühendisliği - 2022
- Kainat Muslim, (2022), ‘Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Phytochemical Method Using Anemone Coronia and Sinapis Alba Extract’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2022
- 21- Sanarya Ahmed, (2021), ‘Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) for Chemical Soil Stabilization’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Çevre Bilimleri - 2021
- 22- Great Iruoghene Edo, (2021), ‘The Evaluation and Comparison of Physicochemical Characteristics of Honey From Different Sources in Cyprus’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2021
- 20- Farida Sini Tumba, (2021), ‘The substituent effects of NAPHTHALENE diimide as acceptor for organic solar cells: A Theoretical Study’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2021
- 23- Jamaluddeen Abubakar Mohammed, (2021), ‘Phytochemical Screening and GC-MS, FTIR Analysis of Some Selected Medicinal Plants’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2021
- Effect of Deltamethrin on the Physicochemical Properties and Microbial Flora of Agricultural Soil in North Cyprus - 2020
- 19- Omobolade Abayomi Okegbenro, (2020), ‘The substituent effects of PERYLENE diimide as acceptor for organic solar cells: A Theoretical Study’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Kimya - 2020
- 17-Johnson D. Araromi "Sewage Sludge Management: Case Study in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Northern Cyprus" (2019) - 2019
- 15- Akinwuyi Stephen Akinwande, Nur P. Aydınlık Assesstment of Environmental Literacy of Social Science Students: A Case Study of Cyprus International University (2018) - 2018
- 16- Telma Fumnanya Ogbogu, Nur P. Aydınlık University Students, Knowledge, Perception and Attitude Towards Renewable Energy in North Cyprus (2018) - 2018
- 13- Faiz H. Ahmida Aghela 'The Effect of Detergents on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Soil' (2017) - 2017
- 14- Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba 'Enviromental Analysis of Contaminated Soils (Gönyeli, Cyprus Case Study)' (2017) - 2017
- 10- Aminu Sulaiman Zangina, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Assessment of Scaling Potential of Korineum Golf and Country Club Reverse Osmosis Plant Using Stiff and Davis Stability Index' (2016) - 2016
- 11- Tony Court- Tawiah, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Determination of Scaling, Corrosion Tendencies and the Effect of Calcium Concentration of a Reverse Osmosis System Using LANGELIER INDEX' (2016) - 2016
- 12- Jude Taraman Berinyuy, Nur P. Aydınlık Treatment of Wastewater from Automobile Repair Shops Using Water Hyacinth Plant (2016) - 2016
- 6- Saly Ina Drame, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Solar Drying in Sewage Sludge Management from Famagusta Wastewater Treatment Plant ' (2015) - 2015
- 7- Ndifreke Etuk Williams, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Adsorption of Dimethoate by Thevetia Peruviana Shell and Shungite' (2015) - 2015
- 8- Meschack Chukwuyenum Ejor, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Developing an Alternative Technology of Fuel Using Agricultural Waste' (2015) - 2015
- 9- Zaliha Dayyabu Danraka, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Atitude of People Towards Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Kaduna State Nigeria' (2015) - 2015
- 1- Ositadinma Ekwue C., Nur P. Aydınlık 'Use of Chickpea and Iron(III) Chloride in Coagulation and Flocculation of Raw Water from Gönyeli Dam' (2014) - 2014
- 2- Ruben Eghareva Imuetinyan, Nur P. Aydınlık 'The Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and Water Around the Abandoned Cyprus Mining Corporation (CMC) Site in the Lefke-Gemikonağı Region of North Cyprus' (2014) - 2014
- 3- Zhanel Zhantuarova, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Adsorption of Cypermethrin by Different Types of Natural Adsorbent Shungite' (2014) - 2014
- 4- Dawan S. M. Koy, Nur P. Aydınlık 'The Effect of Treated Wastewater and Untreated Wastewater on Different Types of Soil Texture Properties of Tuzla-Gazimağusa Region of North Cyprus ' (2014) - 2014
- 5- Saween N. Mawlood Sherka, Huriye İcil, Nur P. Aydınlık 'Synthesis and Characterization of Perylene Chromophoric Ligands for DNA Binding' (2014) (co-supervisor) - 2014
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- 4- Oluwasuyi Ayobami Oba, (2022), ‘Removal of Deltamethrin from Water By Using African Walnut Shells (AWS): Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies’, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü/Çevre Bilimleri - 2022
- 2-Ndifreke Etuk Williams “Adsorption of Selected Pesticides from Water onto the Thevetia Peruviana Shell (TPS)” (2019) - 2019
- 3-Abduelbaset M.A. Essabri “Bioaugmentation and Biostimulation of Total Hydrocarbon Degradation in a Petroleum Contaminated Soil with Fungi Isolated from Olive Oil Effluent” (2019) - 2019
- 1- Devrim Özdal 'Synthesis of Donor-Acceptor-Donor Perylene Derivatives as Potential Candidates for Solar Cell Applications' (2017) - 2017
- 5-Sulu Çözeltiden Metoksiklor Giderimi İçin Ceviz Kabuklarından Mezogözenekli Aktif Karbonun Hazırlanması: DENGE VE KİNETİK ÇALIŞMALAR
- 6-Green Synthesis, Characterization and Determination of Catalytic Activity over Suzuki Reactions of Palladium Nanoparticles Using Onopordum Cyprium and Limonium Cyprium Plant Extracts
- 1- 1998-2001 Araştırma Projesi, TUBITAK, TBAG-1707. (Araştırmacı)
- 2- 2008-2009 'Bentonit MİNERALİNİN BOYAR MADDE ADSORPSİYON KAPASİTELERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ', KKTC Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Üniversitelere Ait Araştırma Projesi, (Proje Yürütücüsü)
- 3- 2010-2011 Research Project, 'ORGANİK FOTOVOLTAİK SİSTEMLER İÇİN PERİLEN MONOİMİD-MONOANHİDRİT BOYA TÜREVLERİNİN SENTEZ VE KARAKTERİZASYONU', KKTC Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Üniversitelere Ait Araştırma Projesi, (Proje Yürütücüsü)
- 4- 2010-2012 Research Project, TUBITAK (Project No: 110T201). (Araştırmacı)
- Best Oral 3. Presentation-NEM2019 (9)
Research Areas