Mühendislik Fakültesi
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+90 392 671 11 11
Diğer bilgiler
B.M. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
Öz geçmiş
Öğrenim Durumu
- Easter Mediterranean University, Famagusta Civil Engineering (Doktora, 2016)
- Sciences and Researches University, Tehran Civil Engineering (Yüksek Lisans, 2009)
- Azad University, Tehran Center Civil Engineering (Lisans, 2005)
Yönetilen Tezler
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
- 9. AAMAR DANISH (2020). High-Performance Mortar Using Fly ash and Cenosphere Under Different Curing Regimes. - 2020
- 10. MUHAMMAD USAMA SALIM (2020). High-Performance Mortar Using Waste Glass Powder and Cenosphere Under Different Curing Regimes. - 2020
- 11. CHIGOZIRIM GOODNEWS (2020). Neural Network Classification of Asphalt Pavement Defects. - 2020
- 12. ADAN AHMED HASSAN (2020). Road Traffic Accidents and it’s impacts on Economic growth in Mogadishu - 2020
- 13. HEERSH OMAR FARAJ (2020). Analysis and Use of Recycled Waste Rubber Tire and Quarry Dust for Concrete Production - 2020
- 6. ABDULLAH SULTAN (2019). Administrative Problems of Asphalt Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitations: A Case Study in Tripoli City of Libya - 2019
- 7. YUSUF HUSSEIN (2019). Causes and Effects of Traffic Congestion in Mogadishu, Somalia (Project Base). - 2019
- 8. MOHAMMAD ALTARAWNEH (2019). Multi Criteria Decision-Making toward Sustainable Pavement Management System Development. - 2019
- 4. ALI MINNAH (2018). Effect of Waste Glass Powder on Properties of Concrete. - 2018
- 5. AHMED ABDULLAH (2018). Micro-Paver Application for Evaluating Erbil Roads toward Pavement Management System. - 2018
- 1. ALA ALDEN YUONES (2017). Evaluation of Flexible Road Pavement Condition Index and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Pavement: A Case Study in Libya. - 2017
- 2. SADIQ A.UMAR (2017). Utilizing Rice Husk Ash as Supplement to Cementitious Materials on Performance of Ultra High Performance Concrete – A review (Project Base). - 2017
- 3. ABDELRHMAN AKOUSH (2017). The Effect of Palm Fiber and Palm Kernel Ash on Concrete Properties - 2017
- Investigation on self-healing cracks in HPC using different mineral agents
- Study on crack of self-healing concrete under different seawater conditions
- Auto Pavement Crack Detection using Image Processing
Çalışma Alanları
- Construction Materials
- Transportation Engineering